Thursday, February 17, 2011

Its been a while!


So I'm not the best at this blogging world, but I'm going to work on it. Just wanted to give some updates on our lives and where we are. Ok, let be honest all I'm going to talk about is Timmy's life and where he is.

Timmy just turned 8 months on February 6th. Its amazing how fast the time has gone by. Crazy to think that in less than 4 months I am going to have a one year old running around the house. He is crawling. He can crawl off of his belly, but he prefers the army crawl. Either way he is getting pretty fast. He is starting to pull himself up on things now to a standing position and gets a little upset when I don't walk him around the house. Just last week Jeff was out of town working on a project and after 24 hours of Timmy not seeing his daddy the next morning all he would say was dadada.... Oh it just makes your heart melt everytime something new happens.